Tracks4Africa works in close co-operation with its partners:

  • – home to the biggest and most complete repository of RASTER maps and VECTOR data for Africa
  • – trip reports, travel information and many more
  • – East Coast Offroad and TRAvel Club of South africa
  • – Rex Brown and the Swaziland team
  • – Italian site dedicated to the great Sahara Desert
  • – Paulo Ferreira distributes GPS units and Tracks4Africa products in Angola and is working assiting with gathering local content for the Angola map.
  • – Mapping Africa’s Protected Areas (Mapa) is a separate not for profit organisation run by Marhc Turnbul.  Tracks4Africa is one of the founding members of Mapa and we act as the GIS team for Mapa. We also serve as directors in Mapa and this project is very close to our hearts.

Tracks4Africa is a member of the AAWDC of Southern Africa. T4A is engaged in NON-COMMERCIAL data sharing agreements with The Peace Parks Foundation The Department of Environment and Tourism, and NGO’s affiliated with the UNITED NATIONS.