Let us explain how our GPS Maps upgrade policy works on our Garmin GPS maps:
We supply our GPS Maps/Upgrades on:
- SD Card (Plug n play) OR
- Downloadable GPS Map files. Options are:
- Complete Africa Mapset: Yearly Subscriptions (ie. includes map updates over 1 year. GPS maps will continue working indefinitely after this year)
- Complete Africa Mapset: 5 Year Subscriptions (ie. includes map updates over 5 years. GPS maps will continue working indefinitely after these 5 years)
- Single Mapsets for specific countries/travel regions: Yearly Subscriptions (ie. includes map updates over 1 year. GPS maps will continue working indefinitely after this year)
*Note: Our SD Card is sold on our online shop and at selected retailers. Our Downloadable GPS Maps are only available on our online shop.
SD Card
For SD Cards registered on our site only:
Entitles you to 1 free upgrade on the following SD Card Release version only, or you can opt for the latest version of the Complete Set of Downloadable maps with updates over 1 year for free, which will put you into Subscription mode.
Then in future, further 50% discount purchases on any other subsequent versions of SD Card / Complete set of latest version of the Downloadable GPS Maps (ie a yearly subscription).
For more info about how our SD Card Upgrade policy works - read here.
Read here on how to access your FREE Upgrade on SD Card for the latest release.
Read here on how to access your FREE Upgrade on a Subscription instead.
*Note: SD Cards purchased at retailers will only qualify for upgrades if they are registered on our site. Free or discounted upgrades, are ONLY available on our online shop - this cannot be done at retailers.
*Note: the free upgrade is a 90% discount - the 10% you are not discounted on is to recover the cost of the actual SD card. You will also be liable for the courier fees.
Downloadable GPS Maps Subscriptions:
If you purchase GPS Downloadable Maps from our site - you will receive the latest map version that is available for that particular Subscription product. (ie. Please note: SD Card versions and Subscription version numbers differ).
Complete Africa Mapset: Yearly Subscriptions (ie. includes map updates over 1 year): Once purchased, you will be entitled to all the map updates we release within the next 12 months. This could be up to four updates within a year as we aim to release updates every quarter, but it may also depend on the number of changes we make to our map content. We will however release at least two map updates per year. (Note: When your yearly subscription ends - your GPS maps will continue working on your Garmin device! You will however no longer receive any map updates unless you purchase a subscription again!)
Any future purchase of the complete mapset for 1 year/GPS Maps on SD Card of subsequent version releases, will then be at a 50% discount regardless of when you come back to buy.
Complete Africa Mapset: 5 Year Subscriptions (ie. includes map updates over 5 years): Once purchased, you will be entitled to all the map updates we release within the next 5 years. This could be up to four updates within a year as we aim to release updates every quarter, but it may also depend on the number of changes we make to our map content. We will however release at least two map updates per year. (Note: When your 5 year subscription ends - your GPS maps will continue working on your Garmin device! You will however no longer receive any map updates unless you purchase a subscription again!)
Any future purchases of any GPS maps will NOT entitle you to a 50% discount.
Single Mapsets for specific countries/travel regions: Yearly Subscriptions: once purchased, you will be entitled to all the associated single map updates we release within the next 12 months. This could be up to four updates as we aim to release updates every quarter, but it may also depend on the number of changes we make to our map content. We will however release at least two map updates per year.
Any future purchases of single mapsets will NOT entitle you to a 50% discount.
For more info about how our Downloadable GPS Maps Subscriptions policy works - read here.