Please also refer to our USER GUIDE for Downloadable links for MAC, under our FAQ category for Tutorials & Videos.
If you are using a Macbook you’ll need Garmin BaseCamp to view the map(s) and to do route planning on your T4A GPS Maps and Garmin MapInstall to send the map(s) from your Macbook to your GPS device.
Garmin BaseCamp for Mac: to do route planning and view the GPS Map.
Garmin MapInstall : to transfer the GPS Map to your GPS unit.
Garmin MapManager: this is where your installed GPS Maps will be listed and where you will uninstall your GPS Maps.
Install these applications from Garmin’s website before continuing the steps below.
Follow these steps to transfer waypoints, routes and tracks to your GPS unit using Garmin BaseCamp for Mac:
NB! If you have a older version on your internal memory of the GPS or an SD Card then, you must remove it before transferring the new maps to your GPS unit. Explore the internal memory / SD Card and look either under the Garmin folder or map folder for the file ending with img. Cut this file and place it on your desktop for safety. After following the steps below, where the new maps are place successfully on your GPS. You may remove the img file form your desktop.
- Open BaseCamp.
- Go to TRANSFER > SEND “My Collection”. The window below will open on your screen.
- Select your GPS or No Name from the dropdown menu. If you select your GPS the data will be transferred to the internal memory of the GPS. If you select the No Name device then the data will be transferred to the SD card in your GPS.
- Ensure that ROUTES, TRACKS, WAYPOINTS AND GEOTAGGED PHOTOS are ticked. Then click Send.

Close after the transfer has been completed. All your waypoints will be listed on your GPS under Favourites. If your GPS can receive routes the routes you have created will be listed under your Trip planner (depending on your GPS model).

To transfer the map(s) to your Garmin GPS using Garmin MapInstall:
Each time a map set is sent to a Garmin GPS the previously loaded maps are erased from the GPS. If your Garmap maps are loaded on your SD card, send T4A maps to the internal memory of your device and vice versa. Please note that the SD card has to be inserted in the GPS device if you want to transfer maps to the SD card. Remove the SD card from the GPS device if you wish to have the GPS Maps sent to the internal memory of the GPS.
NB! If you have a older version on your internal memory of the GPS or an SD Card then, you must remove it before transferring the new maps to your GPS unit. Explore the internal memory / SD Card and look either under the Garmin folder or map folder for the file ending with img. Cut this file and place it on your desktop for safety. After following the steps below, where the new maps are place successfully on your GPS. You may remove the img file form your desktop.
Connect your GPS device to your Macbook in order to transfer the GPS maps.
Step 1: Open MapInstall b> Go > Applications> Garmin MapInstall.
To transfer maps to your device’s internal memory, remove the SD card from your GPS and connect to’ GPS unit into your Macbook. The GPS will be listed Nuvi 3790 (unit ID 3820880631)

If you want to transfer maps to the SD card in your device, then insert the SD card in your GPS and plug it into your Macbook. The GPS will be listed Nuvi 3790 (unit ID 3820880631)+ SD Card.

Step 2: Click on CUSTOMIZE to select the map(s) you want to send to your device.

Step 3: Click on the map name that you want to send to your GPS device. (Once the map is selected, it will be highlighted on the screen).

Step 4: Click on Send Maps on the bottom right hand corner of MapInstall to transfer the maps to your GPS device.

Step 5: The following screen will appear below.
Click on confirm.
Please note that the transfer should not take hours as indicated on the screen.

Step 6: Once the transfer is successfully done you’ll see the page below.
Click on Done once the installation is complete.

The maps will now be listed under your Map Information on the GPS. Select the maps by ticking the box next to the map name or by enabling it. (Please note that the Tracks4Africa GPS Maps may not be used in conjunction with any other GPS Maps).
Riette (verified owner) –
Perfect, exactly what we were looking for. Installing for use with Basecamp seems a bit complicated, but it turned out to be quite simple.
p.caeners (verified owner) –
Love the reliability of the T4A maps. Installation on a Garmin GPSmap 64st via Basecamp no problem. In addition, exported GPX-tracks work flawlessly on an Android-Phone with OSMAnd…
Ingolf Trumer (verified owner) –
Best that is available!! Traveled recently (May) Kaokoland without any problems!! Although not always the shortest route, but that it due to roads being minor, that is not recognized as “official” road.
Can only recommend!!
André Faul (verified owner) –
Best product available for traveling off the beaten track in Namibia. Navigated 4×4 tracks in Damaraland without getting lost. With one route it didn’t auto route me on the shortest route possible to the destination (may have been human error), but I could follow the tracks on the GPS screen. Looking forward to using it in more remote locations in Nam!
KaiW (verified owner) –
Easy and fast download, easy installation of the map on my Garmin devices. I haven’t been able to test the map yet, but I’ve compared it to areas I know. Excellent quality! (verified owner) –
Straightforward purchase, download and installation was also very smooth, and quality of map detail is excellent.
Tate Nambinga (verified owner) –
i have been using Tracks4Africa maps and apps on my various devices for years and they give me a good balance between serious travelling with work in remote areas but also to find accommodation and they help not to drive past place worth seeing.
Love it!!
Ingolf Trumer (verified owner) –
Ordering, downloading and installation all hassle free!! Test my new map already in the field and I must say better than any other maps I used before (Garmin, TomTom). It will not be my last Track4Africa map!! SUPER!!
SteveClark (verified owner) –
I bought this map to help us navigate through Namibia on a 4-week trip in Feb March 2021 – so haven’t used it on the road yet. Purchase, download and installation to Garmin Basecamp and my Garmin Drive 51 satnav was straightforward and I’m enjoying plotting routes and waypoints on Basecamp. I will probably buy the map that covers Tanzania (where we live) as the Garmin one is now very out of date.
Peter West (verified owner) –
Purchase was easy. We have had these maps before (2015) – they were invaluable when we travelled in Namibia before but we wanted to up-date. We also have South Africa GPS mapping – also brilliant. Using T4A maps in our simple Garmin ‘sat-nav’ has made navigation easy. We are huge fans of T4A and their products – we also have their paper maps and the brilliant Namibia self guide book. Don’t travel without T4A maps!
Pieter Praetorius (verified owner) –
Purchase and download quick and easy. Very much off-road detail, thank you.
David Smith (verified owner) –
Quick and painless as always. Keep up the good work ?
CS_Namibia (verified owner) –
Not actually used in Namibia yet but easily installed on computer/Basecamp and a micro-SD for my garmin NUVI. The Basecamp installation has allowed me to plan routes and use downloads of others’ routes from Wikiloc to get a better idea of how long it really takes to drive given stretches. So very useful already.
Pieter Joubert (verified owner) –
Very easy to download and install on my Nuvi and Basecamp. I have mapped my whole route in sections in Basecamp and transferred it to the GPS. The detail is very good, I have noticed that new campsites that I discovered last year is now on the map, so yes the money was well spend.
Wouter Janse van Rensburg (verified owner) –
Easy to download and install. Will test it coming week-end but on the trip planning it work like a breeze.Thanks for a good product.
GHachez (verified owner) –
In the meantime, the installer has been updated and the map does not crash Basecamp anymore. So way better, but nobody took care of informing me that this was solved.
Jean-François Schmitz (verified owner) –
Though I haven’t used the map on site yet (will be in April 2019), but the download and the installation in Basecamp went without any issue, also thanks to clear instructions.
The map is very, very, very detailed 🙂 ! Looking forward to use is in Namibia on my Oregon !
Christopher Barker (verified owner) –
Bought the Namibia and Botswana GPS maps for my Garmin Nuvi. Managed to load Garmin Basecamp on my Mac then transfer the files from there to my device. Trip is next May so plenty of time to get used to it and plan. Looks very helpful from my initial observations. Glad I found it.
Alexis MALLARD (verified owner) –
The best map you’ll find for Namibia. Very detailled, upgraded and reliable. Extremely useful to prepare your itinerary and perfect on site.
Francois Claassen (verified owner) –
Download and installation worked well in the old Map source program on my old unit. We hit a severe sand storm in the Namib. Without is we would not have been able to get to shelter.
BigAl1956 (verified owner) –
Not tested the map ‘in the field’ yet, but already worth the subscription. Used it in BaseCamp to plan Namibia section of 5 week trip through Namibia and Botswana planned for next year.
The map functions seamlessly in Basecamp, and I expect no issues in using it for navigation next year. I’ll update my review on our return!
Reinhard Temmel (verified owner) –
Order, download and installation worked without any problem (appreciate the very clear user/installation guide).
Its my third GPS map of Namibia, in the meantime I used different Garmin devices, its working with all my devices (handheld outdoor and Nüvi). Perfect combination with the paper (plastic) map.